March 12, 2025

Yakushima : Japan’s garden of Eden.

On this ancient island, lies some of the most amazing natural beauty in all of Japan.

This is Yakushima

The journey to Yakushima begins in the shadow of Sakurajima, a large active volcano in the port city of Kagoshima. From there you have the option to take a fast ferry or a slower cheaper ferry to the island. depending on which you choose your trip will take between 2-4hrs…but don’t worry, there are plenty of things to see along the way.

As you approach Yakushima, the first thing that stands out is the rugged and mountainous terrain. the highest peak here nearly 2kms above sea level making it the highest in the region of Kyushu. couple that with an island that is only 500km2 and you find yourself looking at some very steep climbs.

Yakushima is a wet place, an island of rain…Here, it’s not uncommon to top 200 or even 300 mm in a day. It’s quite possible to have the average annual rainfall of London in under 24 hours, or the average annual rainfall of Seattle in two days. Days without rain like you see in this video are very rare indeed. Spring water from the island’s interior is some of the softest water in the world. The local bottling company, Jomon Sui, claims a hardness of 10, with only 3mg of calcium per liter.  To put that into perspective Evian has a hardness of 291 with 78mg/l.

With all that water there are no shortage of amazing waterfalls to be seen on Yakushima. but if you want to really discover Yakushima you need to follow the water upstream, deep into the forests of the national parks where you can find the heart of Yakushima.

Yakushima gained World Heritage status in 1993. One fifth of the island is registered as a World Natural Heritage Site of Natural Beauty.

Yakushima exhibits a rich flora, with some 1,900 species and subspecies, including ancient specimens of the sugi (cryptomeria japonica). 94 of these floral species are endemic.

The fauna of the island is diverse, including 16 mammal species. Four mammal sub-species, including Yakushima macaque and Yakushima deer, are endemic to the island. 

One of the most popular ways to experience Yakushima is by hiking the Jomon Sugi cedar trail. Taking a solid 8–10 hours of walking, ladder-climbing and rock-hopping, the hike requires an early start if you’re keen to finish in a day.

Sugi trees become yaku sugi when they are deemed to be 1,000 year old or more.  Sugi under 1,000 years old are called ‘kosugi`.  The most famous of the Yakusugi is Jōmon Sugi (縄文杉) which is estimated to be anywhere from 2000-7000years old. Jomon Sugi is massive, The tree has a height of 25.3 m (83 ft) and a trunk circumference of 16.4 m (54 ft).[13] It has a volume of approximately 300 m3 (11,000 cu ft), making it the largest conifer in Japan.

If you aren’t keen to only spend a day in the forests, there are camping huts that a free to use of pitch a tent next to around the park. Perfect way to enjoy the forests at night, stargaze and wake up to some of the most amazing morning views anywhere.

The forest is home to all kinds of wildlife, and in an effort to keep things as close to nature as possible please refrain from feeding them. also remember that everything you bring into the parks needs to leave with you, including foodscrapes and even your own waste.

If trekking with a pack of gear isn’t your thing, don’t worry, there are many things to enjoy straight out of your car or bus around the island.

Ohki no taki or Ohki falls is a powerful waterfall with an 88-meter drop was selected in the 1996 list of Japan’s top waterfalls. The falls are only a short walk from the parking area and easily viewed. Just be careful as the rocks close to the lagoon can be very slippery.

Hirauchi kaichu onsen is a very rare under sea hot spring. Possible bathing hours are twice a day, around 2 hours before and after low tide. The onsen is unisex, public and swimming suits are not allowed while bathing. The water temperature is around 45 degree Celsius. It is a simple sulfur hot spring and is said to be good for rheumatism.

All along the coast you can find various beaches and small shrines to visit as well as amazing local restaurants. The coastal road around the island offers some amazing roads through the forests where you can see monkeys and deer as well as some spectacular coastal vistas.

Yakushima is a wild place, a place of rugged beauty and friendly people, it is an island with something to offer everyone…all it asks in return is that we respect it.

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