Feb 28 2021 Mellow surf riding fun waves in icy cold water, it was clean offshore and a great surf session in Sendai.

Surfers of Japan is a passion project. after surfing here for nearly 20 years and having to take a break from working on documentaries due to Covid.
I decided to grab my cameras and my surfboards and hit the road in my van to capture what surfing in Japan is really all about.
I am not a vlogger, have always much preferred the Taylor Steele style of surf film.
These videos are my attempt to capture some of the unique surfing magic that you can find in Japan.
Checkout our videos.
Hollow waves breaking over shallow sharp reef. It's fast, it's shallow....it's tube riding in Okinawa.
Surfing in February is pretty awesome in Okinawa, the weather is warming up, most days are fine and the water quality is super clear. This session was a mix since the clouds rolled in a little later and a little wind roughed up the surface of the waves, but overall it was another fun session with some great local Okinawa surfers.
Thanks for watching and please subscribe for more great Japan surf content.
At a local wedge in Okinawa, these surfers and some rad groms rip up the conditions on offer with smiles on their faces. Real Japanese surfing.
You can't always score great waves, but you can always be stoked to share some waves with your friends. This video of Okinawa surfing shows just that.
It doesn't feel like winter when the water is this clear and the sun is out. This surf session in Miyazaki Japan is all about glassy winter waves breaking over one of the best beaches in Miyazaki on a perfect sunny winters day.
A fun surf session with friends in Okinawa Japan. This little known Okinawa surf spot can make for some super fun rippable right hand waves right on the beach.
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