March 7, 2025

Tips for better seascapes : A photography tutorial

Hi guys, Adam here with Adam L photography. I thought i’d take a moment just to tell you a little bit about what I look for when shooting seascapes. Just a few simple tips and tricks on how to stay safe and get that shot.

The environment is always changing and for seascapes you are often putting yourself close to the ocean during times when it’s most dramatic and out of control. Things can change in moments so it is really important to survey the location from a safe vantage point before heading into the spot.  This way you can get a better read on if the set waves are going to be a problem. keep in mind that set waves can come at really long intervals and you may only see one every 10-20mins. Often people shooting as a typhoon or hurricane approaches or has passed over are swept off of rocks by a set wave when they thought the ocean was calmer. ( for more info, look at wave intervals and set waves).

Something to keep in mind when you are shooting a seascape is your shutter speeds. It is very tempting to do some crazy long exposure to get everything super silky smooth, but also experiment with slower shutter speeds. often when I am framing my shot I will shoot a few images at 1/8th or something in that ball park, to get a feel for the composition and the way the light is falling off. Many times these “test” images become my favorite from the shoot. So, play around with different settings in each of your compositions to really explore the scene.
Photography tips for better landscapes and seascape photos
Not every exposure needs to be a long exposure

Something I often see overlooked in Seascape or landscape photography is; the directionality of the clouds. Honestly framing your shot with the clouds moving in a certain direction can be the difference between an amazing photo or a lackluster image. when I am shooting a long exposure I like to have the clouds either moving towards my camera or away from it, never across. When the clouds are coming towards you, the motion blur will give the image depth and add movement as the clouds seem to approach the viewer. and by having the clouds move away from your lens you will create the feeling of the sky exploding out of the camera. When the clouds move across the frame, you get a undefined haze for a sky and it just seems to suck all the drama out of the shot.

Photography tips for better landscapes and seascape photos
Clouds moving towards the camera
Composition is a huge factor in making your images really appealing to the viewer, a very common mistake is with horizons being tilted, be sure to try and keep your horizon level. Another way to dramatically improve your images is by observing the rule of thirds and avoid putting your horizon in the center of your image ignore the image above 🙂 )  By dropping or raising your horizon to the upper or lower thirds plane of your frame you create an image that is much more appealing to the mind of the viewer.
Better photography composition rule of thirds

Another thing to watch for during long exposures is light leaks, most pro level cameras will have a closable shutter for the viewfinder, however I either bring a cloth or beanie to cover the camera during the exposure…another option is some black tape to cover the viewfinder as this is the main source of light leaks. For those of you unfamiliar with light leaks, basically you usually end up with a magenta streak across the image which is close to impossible to correct in post. best to just be prepared and not have to deal with it in photoshop later.

How to avoid light leaks in photos

Use ND filters and polarizing filters. These filters act like sunglasses for your camera, allowing you to slow down the shutter speed and also to reduce glare coming off of the water when desired. as with all gear, quality shines here so make sure to buy good quality filters. Personally I use Lee filters.
Lastly get a good tripod. A lot of the time when you are shooting seascapes you will be out in the weather and more to the point the wind. even a tiny amount of camera shake can ruin your shot. A quality tripod is a total must in these conditions, currently I use Manfrotto tripods as they seem to offer the greatest weight to strength ratio in my opinion.
Ok, that’s most of my rant done, I hope this has helped, no get out shooting and be safe.
Photography tips for better landscapes and seascape photos

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