March 12, 2025

Shooting a music video in a bullfighting arena

Shooting a music video is a pretty broad term. Each video is a completely different production just like all songs are music, but not every song is the same.

So, when Okinawa Americana approached me about shooting the video for Wide Bushi (a traditional bullfighting song from the Ryukyu islands) that they had just recorded for their new self titled album. Okinawa Americana are a unique band in that they take traditional American blues and Okinawan blues and meld the two music styles together to create a new sound.

Challenge accepted!

We decided to shoot the video in an Okinawan bullfighting arena (bulls vs bulls no animals are slain or tortured) The idea was to have David and Merry standing in the center of the arena in a ring of fire. we opted for tiki torches, but in the end the smoke kept setting off the fire alarms and we lost hours of shooting time trying to shut them down as it was late evening on a public holiday. In the end we just had to lower the amount of fire and opted to just shoot the video using more camera movement and shallow DOF to create more of the feeling we wanted without the fire.

David also had this image of having his friend Benjamin from the Capoeira Academy Okinawa come down and perform some sparring in the arena so that the video which sounded too fun to not do.

In the end we didn’t have a lot of shooting time due to the fire alarm incident, so we just had to shoot as rapidly as we could to get the shots. Everyone brought their A game, it was mid summer in Okinawa 32c and 99% humidity and we pushed the shoot to the point of passing out.

I shot the video on 2 cameras, the Blackmagic Design Ursa mini 4K and the DJI osmo. Take a look and let me know what you think.

ミュージックビデオ Music video Okinawaミュージックビデオ Music video Okinawa ミュージックビデオ Music video Okinawa ミュージックビデオ Music video Okinawa ミュージックビデオ Music video Okinawa


だから、沖縄アメリカーナが新しいアルバムのために録画したWide Bushi(琉球の伝統的な闘牛の歌)のビデオ撮影について私に近づくと、沖縄アメリカーナは伝統的なアメリカン・ブルースと沖縄のブルースを取り入れ、2つの音楽スタイルを融合させて新しいサウンドを創造するユニークなバンドです。





私は、Blackmagic Design Ursa mini 4KとDJI osmoの2台のカメラでビデオを撮影しました。見て、あなたの考えを教えてください。

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