March 12, 2025

Shichigosan Photo shoot Miyazaki Japan

Shichigosan, a celebrated tradition in Japan, is a rite of passage and a unique way of marking the growth of children. It’s a time when parents take out their cameras or hire a professional photographer to capture the milestones of their children’s lives. The photoshoot is done in a picturesque location like Miyazaki, Japan, filled with natural beauty and cultural richness.

The Shichigosan Tradition: An Overview

Shichigosan, which translates to “seven, five, three,” is a traditional celebration held for girls aged three and seven and boys aged three and five. It is a day of gratitude expressed by parents for their children’s health and growth and a prayer for their continued well-being.

The Significance of 7-5-3

In the Shichigosan tradition, each age signifies a crucial stage in a child’s life. The age of three marks the growth of hair, five the wearing of hakama (trousers), and seven the wearing of obi (a sash worn with a kimono). These stages signify the transition from infancy to childhood in Japanese culture.

The Shichigosan Photoshoot: Capturing Childhood Milestones

Childrens Photos

The Shichigosan photoshoot is a unique way of preserving these memorable moments. Parents dress their children in beautiful kimonos and take them to shrines for a special blessing. Post the ceremony; the children are photographed in their vibrant attire amidst the scenic beauty of Japan.

The Role of a Professional Photographer

A professional photographer plays a significant role in making these moments timeless. They capture the innocence and joy of the children, their expressions, and their personalities from different angles. Their goal is not just to take formal posed photos but to capture the essence of the child’s personality and the ambiance of the day.

Shichigosan Photoshoot in Miyazaki, Japan

Miyazaki, located on the island of Kyushu, offers an ideal backdrop for a Shichigosan photoshoot. With its pristine beaches, lush greenery, and ancient shrines, it provides a variety of picturesque settings to capture the perfect shot.
