March 12, 2025

Deep powder snow in Hakuba Japan : AKA JAPOW

Well, the temperature is plummeting, the leaves are mostly gone from the trees and the ocean is getting uncomfortably cold. For some people that is a down time, a sad time, but for me it means it is time to dust off the powder boards and grab my all weather camera bag and head to Hakuba. Time to ride some powder snow and shoot some ski and snowboard photos; it’s JAPOW time.

If you ski or snowboard then you know what Hakuba is; unless you have been living under a rock or hit your head on one I guess. For me each winter season in Japan is a mixture of long drives, good friends and deep powder snow surfing. I usually trade my skills with a camera in exchange for money or accommodation to make the trip possible each year. I thought as I prep to hit the road again I would share a few photos I took one such trip. I was lucky to spend a week riding with Marco (Ski) and Pedro (Snowboard) and on a couple of those days we scored some epic deep JAPOW (Japanese powder snow). Being the photographer on these days is possibly the worst job around if I am honest. I take a crap line to get in a good position to shoot the other guys score the best line in fresh powder snow. and I get to wait there freezing my butt off in chest deep powder snow while they hike back up and bomb it again and again until it is all shredded and tracked out. But, life isn’t perfect and if I am honest it is still one of my favorite jobs. I mean hell, I get to learn from legends, ride in epic snow, shoot amazing photos of skiing and snowboarding in Japan. As far as hellish jobs go, being a ski and snowboard photographer in Hakuba is pretty much the best.

I live in Japan year round in Miyazaki on the island of Kyushu, and am available to travel Japan wide to shoot photos and video. If you are planning a ski trip to Japan and want a professional photographer to capture your holiday, whether it is a family trip or for your sponsors and Instagram then contact me today.

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